Topic: Outsourcing Medical Writing

You Get What You Give
Julia Forjanic Klapproth, co-founder of Trilogy Writing & Consulting, explains how to prepare good requests for information and proposals in the field of medical writing. If you have ever been...

Do You Measure Up?
For any service, the end user wants a way to measure the performance of the service provider to understand if they are getting good value for money. While medical writing...
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: International Clinical Trials, ICT / European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: May 2016

Successfully outsourcing medical writing
A large proportion of medical writing activities are now outsourced. This means the need for medical writing service providers is growing, and with increased demand there comes an increased supply...
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: Medical Writing, the journal of EMWA
Date: Vol.24, No.3, September 2015

Under the Hammer
Inappropriate use of reverse auctions puts suppliers at an unfair loss and disadvantages buyers.
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth & Douglas Fiebig
Journal: European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: September 2014

Reverse auctions: the perfect folly for sourcing clinical research services
Are reverse auctions (e-auctions) between suppliers of services as good as sometimes claimed?
Author: Julia Forjanic klapproth and Douglas Fiebig
Journal: Medical Writing, The journal of EMWA
Date: Vol.23, No.3, September 2014

Cutting Back: solutions to reduce the time and costs of clinical development
Outsourcing and Functional Service Provision (FSP) of medical writing
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: International Clinical Trials, ICT
Date: November 2009

Medical Writing: Outsourcing Guide
What and when to outsource, how to find a medical writing partner.
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: December 2010