Over the last 25 years, the way we write regulatory documents has evolved – from lean writing to technology that aids in populating the reports we write, things have gotten...
In this episode, Julia and Barry, Senior Partners at Trilogy Writing & Consulting, call for a “revolution and complete overhaul in the way documents are reviewed”. They explain how a...
Reviewers of regulatory documents need to ensure that their comments are specific, actionable, and relevant, so that no critical time is spent unnecessarily throughout the document development process. Review is...
Review is an integral part of the medical writing process and relies on clear communication between the medical writer and the reviewer(s). This is a two-way street. Review can be...
Getting the most out of quality control specialists: Practical guidance for medical writers
Quality control (QC) is a process that usually occurs when a document is in a near-final or final state. It involves the checking of documents by QC specialists against source...
Back to the future... or the amazing lack of progress in effective document review
In 1999, as a still relatively inexperienced medical writer, I was introduced to some software that was going to revolutionise document preparation: Documentum, a collaborative reviewing tool for regulatory documents....