Topic: Outsourcing

You Get What You Give
Julia Forjanic Klapproth, co-founder of Trilogy Writing & Consulting, explains how to prepare good requests for information and proposals in the field of medical writing. If you have ever been...
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: Clinical Trials Insight
Date: Summer 2017
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Do You Measure Up?
For any service, the end user wants a way to measure the performance of the service provider to understand if they are getting good value for money. While medical writing...
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: International Clinical Trials, ICT / European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: May 2016
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Successfully outsourcing medical writing
A large proportion of medical writing activities are now outsourced. This means the need for medical writing service providers is growing, and with increased demand there comes an increased supply...
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: Medical Writing, the journal of EMWA
Date: Vol.24, No.3, September 2015
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Under the Hammer
Inappropriate use of reverse auctions puts suppliers at an unfair loss and disadvantages buyers.
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth & Douglas Fiebig
Journal: European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: September 2014
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Reverse auctions: the perfect folly for sourcing clinical research services
Are reverse auctions (e-auctions) between suppliers of services as good as sometimes claimed?
Author: Julia Forjanic klapproth and Douglas Fiebig
Journal: Medical Writing, The journal of EMWA
Date: Vol.23, No.3, September 2014
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Cutting Back: solutions to reduce the time and costs of clinical development
Outsourcing and Functional Service Provision (FSP) of medical writing
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: International Clinical Trials, ICT
Date: November 2009
Medical Writing: Outsourcing Guide
What and when to outsource, how to find a medical writing partner.
Author: Julia Forjanic Klapproth
Journal: European Pharmaceutical Contractor, EPC
Date: December 2010